08:30 PM – Careless Boy

I misplaced my phone



I’m not really THAT worried

Here are the facts:

1. My phone is in a paper bag with some keropok and beef floss

2. Two possible locations on where that paper bag (and thus my phone) is

  • I had left it on the last bench of the platform (facing towards Admiralty) of Woodlands MRT 
  • In the middle cubicle of the Men’s toilet at the One Stop Centre (Very likely)

3. Why I’m not very worried:

  • I have an ugly K770i, with a number pad that seems to have been sanded off
  • I have faith in people doing the right thing and turning in things they find. Especially crappy things worth almost nothing (referring to my phone, not the foodstuffs that Mai’s mom gave me, haha)
  • My phone doesn’t allow international calls or access to the internet, so anyone looking to abuse the phone would have to get creative.

So here is the plan.

Reach Woodlands MRT, make an enquiry at the Control Station (and the likely answer is that no one turned anything in)

Go to school, stop by the One Stop Centre and make another enquiry. Hopefully something turns up.

If no one found the bag, I will make a call to SingTel to suspend the line temporarily.


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